Hope Squad

What is Hope Squad?

Hope Squad is a peer-to-peer suicide prevention program. Hope Squad members are nominated by their classmates as trustworthy peers and trained by advisors. The program reduces youth suicide through education, training, and peer intervention. 

Why Start a Hope Squad?

  • Train staff and community members in youth suicide prevention through evidence-based training.
  • Empower the natural helpers in your school through peer-to-peer suicide prevention training.
  • Raise awareness of mental health and youth suicide prevention resources. 
  • Educate students on how to recognize suicide warning signs and respectfully report concerns.
  • Train students how to support fellow students who may be struggling.
  • Increase connectedness, inclusion, and social-emotional learning skills.
  • Increase help-seeking behaviors.
  • Reduce suicide attempts.

Hope Squad members strive to:

  • Create a safe school environment
  • Promote connectedness
  • Support anti-bullying
  • Encourage mental wellness
  • Reduce mental health stigma
  • Prevent substance misuse